Operational Programme on Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020

Monitoring Committee

OPT Monitoring Committee (MC) is to be set up within three months of the decision approving the programme in accordance to Article 63 of the Regulation No 1083/2006.

MC will consist of Chairperson, voting members and observers. The Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee is the Deputy-minister responsible for the OPT Managing Authority.

Members of the Monitoring Committee are the following: representatives of MoT, MoEW, other Managing Authorities, MoF, and the socio-economic partners. The members of MC are to be appointed by the Minister of Transport, based on proposals made by the institutions involved considering the partnership principle in accordance with the Article 11 of the Regulation No 1083/2006.

pdf.gifRules of procedure for the Monitoring Committee Operational programme of transport, version 5.pdf (288.39 KB)